Statistically, 70% of all data loss and leakage is the result of the actions of internal staff and the balance from external threats. While protecting the digital data and assets of an organisation, there is a need for technology to enable trust but does not hinder the responsible discharge of normal day to day functions.
E-safe Enables You To Easily Discover And Classify What Your Sensitive Information Looks Like, Even From Sources Like Databases, Erp And Crm Systems, Or Network Drives.
E-safe Uses Machine Learning To Continually Monitor Both User Behaviour And Data Movement To Check For Data Breaches Or Sources Of Increased Risk, Enabling You To Prevent Breaches Altogether.
E-safe Implements Multi-level Encryption To Protect Sensitive Data From Access By Unauthorised Users, Both Internal And External, While Still Allowing Staff To Work And Collaborate Productively.